中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社6月27日卡尔加里报道,由于外国公司纷纷出售他们在加拿大的油砂资产,今年加拿大的能源企业并购活动将迎来过去10年中的最强劲开端。 根据美国彭博新闻社汇编的统计数据,加拿大今年迄今为止记录了大约1320亿美元的交易。加拿大当地公司抢购外国公司出售的这些能源资产,从而推动国内能源企业并购达到创纪录水平。 康菲公司和荷兰皇家壳牌公司在原油市场进入熊市之际正领导大批能源公司的离去。然而,加拿大生产商通过向位于偏僻北方森林中的油田注入资金正在作出回应。 在6月26日前,摩根大通银行是涉及加拿大公司交易的最主要的财务顾问,其次是多伦多道明银行、高盛集团公司、加拿大皇家银行和巴克莱银行。总的能源企业并购活动比一年前增加了8%。加拿大国内并购活动——加拿大人购买加拿大公司或资产——在此期间达到了史无前例的482亿美元,同比增加了124%。这种增长受到了国内能源和公用事业创纪录的价值345亿美元交易的推动,其中最大的交易是加拿大Cenovus能源公司斥资132亿美元从康菲公司购买加拿大常规天然气资产集团。 李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社 原文如下: Canada M&A Hits Decade-High as Foreign Owners Flee Oil Sands Mergers and acquisitions in Canada are set for the strongest start in a decade as foreigners sell their oil sands investments. There have been about $132 billion of transactions recorded this year, the highest since $156.5 billion in the first half of 2007, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Local companies snapped up these energy assets, boosting domestic M&A to a record. ConocoPhillips and Royal Dutch Shell Plc are leading the exodus amid a bear market for crude. However, Canadian producers are responding by pumping money into oil deposits in the remote boreal forests. JPMorgan was the top financial adviser on transactions involving Canadian firms through June 26, followed by Toronto-Dominion Bank, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Royal Bank of Canada and Barclays Plc. Total M&A activity was 8 percent higher from a year earlier. Domestic M&A activity — Canadians buying Canadian companies or assets — reached an unprecedented $48.2 billion during the period, up 124 percent year-on-year. The increase was driven by a record $34.5 billion worth of domestic energy and utility deals. The largest of these was Cenovus Energy Inc.’s purchase of a group of Canadian conventional natural gas assets from ConocoPhillips in March for $13.2 billion.