

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社6月20日加拉加斯报道,由于委内瑞拉国内炼油厂目前的开工率不足产能的一半,拥有世界最大石油储量的委内瑞拉时下正在寻求在今年进口1300万桶燃料。
李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社
Venezuela Looks Abroad for Fuel as Domestic Production Wanes
Bloomberg Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Caracas
Venezuela, home to the largest oil reserves in the world, is seeking to import 13 million barrels of fuel this year as the country’s refineries are now operating at less than half of their capacity.
State-run oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA is inviting trading houses and refineries to supply as much as 70,869 barrels of oil products daily from July through the end of the year, according to tender documents obtained by Bloomberg. The company is seeking gasoline, gasoline octane-enhancers, diesel, and also intermediary feedstocks such as vacuum gas oil and catalytic naphtha, which refineries use for fuel production. PDVSA is also seeking heavy naphtha, a diluent used mixed with its heavy oil so crude can flow more easily through pipelines and be sold or refined.
PDVSA didn’t immediately return a phone or email seeking comment.
