

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站6月13日伦敦报道,英国著名独立油气公司法罗石油公司在一份公司声明中说,该公司日前在挪威北海一个“质量很好的砂岩丰富储层内”钻遇了石油。 由法罗石油公司担任作业者的Brasse评价井钻到了8038英尺的总深度,在主发现井(31/7-1井)东南侧大约1.2英里的地震异常被锁定。 法罗石油公司在一份公司新闻稿中披露,评价井成功钻到了Brasse油田侧翼的油水界面并在油水界面上方钻遇了大约27英尺厚的含油侏罗纪储层。初步分析证实此评价井拥有与主发现井31/7-1井相同的油水界面,并表明在储层内有良好的压力沟通。
李峻 编译自 RZNews.com
Faroe Petroleum Hits Oil in Norwegian North Sea
RZNews.com Tuesday, June 13, 2017 London
Independent oil and gas company Faroe Petroleum has hit oil in a ‘sand rich reservoir of very good quality’ in the Norwegian North Sea, according to a company statement.
The Brasse appraisal well, operated by Faroe, was drilled to a total depth of 8,038 feet, targeting a seismic anomaly approximately 1.2 miles to the southeast of the main discovery well (31/7-1).
The appraisal well successfully penetrated the oil-water contact on the flank of the Brasse field and encountered approximately 27 feet of gross oil-bearing Jurassic reservoir above the oil water contact, Faroe revealed in a company release.
Preliminary analysis was said to confirm the same oil-water contact as in the 31/7-1 discovery well and indicated good pressure communication within the reservoir.
“Importantly, preliminary analysis of the well results confirms Brasse as a commercial discovery,” Graham Stewart, chief executive of Faroe Petroleum, said in a company statement.
