中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站6月12日巴格达报道,为了摆脱本国对精制石油产品进口的依赖,世界第3大原油出口国伊拉克计划在2021年前把本国的炼油能力提高两倍。
尼马说:“伊拉克的石油产量每天都在增加,因此,我们需要市场和外国炼油厂以及外国油库。” 李峻 编译自
原文如下: Iraq Seeks to Triple Refining Capacity With Slew of Projects June 12, 2017 Baghdad
Iraq, the world’s third-biggest crude exporter, plans to triple refining capacity by 2021 to shake off its reliance on refined-product imports.
Processing capacity will increase to 1.5 million barrels a day from just over 500,000 now, not including Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish region, Deputy Oil Minister Fayyad Al-Nima said in an interview in Baghdad.The country spends more than $2 billion a year importing gasoline and gasoil, he said.
The country aims to raise capacity to 5 million barrels a day by the end of the year, Oil Minister Jabbar Al-Luaibi said at the producer group’s meeting in Vienna last month. Iraq can pump as much as 4.7 million barrels a day, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
“Iraq’s output is increasing day by day and we need markets and foreign refineries and foreign depots,” Al-Nima said.