中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯卫星新闻社6月7日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯石油巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)周三在一份声明中说,俄油预计其在委内瑞拉的油年产量在未来的10年内将增加5倍至1250万吨油当量。
根据俄油所说,2016年,俄油在委内瑞拉的合资项目的石油年产量大约在840万吨,其中俄油的权益油总量在267万吨。 声明补充说,俄油和委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)日前在他们的维多利亚石油公司合资项目中开始了工业实验石油生产。 除维多利亚石油公司合资项目以外,俄油和PDVSA在委内瑞拉还共同实施了多个联合项目,例如Petromirando项目、Petromonagas项目、Boqueron项目和Petroperija 项目。
李峻 编译自 俄罗斯卫星新闻社
Russia’s Rosneft Expects 5-Fold Rise of Oil Production in Venezuela Over Decade
MOSCOW (Sputnik)/June 07, 2017
Russia’s oil giant Rosneft said in a statement Wednesday that the company expects its oil production in Venezuela to increase five-fold over the next 10 years – up to 12.5 million tonnes of oil equivalent.
According to Rosneft, in 2016, the oil production at company’s joint projects in Venezuela stood at around 8.4 million tonnes, of which Rosneft’s share amounted to 2.67 million tonnes.
The statement added that Rosneft and Venezuela’s state-owned oil and gas company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) have started experimental-industrial oil production within their PetroVictoria joint project.
Apart from PetroVictoria, Rosneft and PDVSA carry out such joint projects as Petromiranda, Petromonagas, Boqueron and Petroperija in Venezuela.