中国石化新闻网讯 据《油气杂志》6月7日休斯敦报道,印度国有石油公司印度石油勘探公司(OIL)在位于印度东北部上阿萨姆盆地Baghjan石油采矿租借区中发现了新油源,此时OIL公司正在计划实施进一步评价钻井。
South Baghjan-2井在钻进过程中,在4154米深的Narpuh和Lakadong-Therria组的多个含油砂岩地层中钻遇了15米厚的产油层。这口在5月份完钻的发现井目前日产100立方米石油。 印度石油勘探公司说,South Baghjan-2井加入了印度石油勘探公司在过去的两年里获得的10个早先的发现行列中。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志
原文如下: OIL adds discovery in Upper Assam basin
India state-owned Oil India Ltd. (OIL) is planning further appraisal drilling after bringing its latest oil discovery on production in the Baghjan petroleum mining lease in the Upper Assam basin in northeastern India.
The South Baghjan-2 well encountered 15 m of pay in multiple sands in the Narpuh and Lakadong-Therria formations at a depth of 4,154 m. The well, completed in May, produced 100 cu m/day of oil.
The South Baghjan-2 joins 10 previous discoveries made by OIL during the last 2 years, the company said.