

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月5日新加坡报道,液化天然气(LNG)贸易商时下正在准备应对在沙特阿拉伯、巴林、埃及和阿联酋采取与世界最大LNG供应国卡塔尔中断外交关系举措以后的潜在贸易中断。 根据媒体报道,在巴林、阿联酋和埃及作出类似的举措以后,沙特阿拉伯在周一(5日)对卡塔尔支持恐怖主义和极端主义的行径作出了与卡塔尔断绝外交关系、领事关系以及陆上、空中和海上接触的决定。 根据标普全球普氏能源资讯分析,卡塔尔是世界上最大的LNG供应国,卡塔尔去年向世界市场供应了7880万吨LNG,占全球去年2.578亿吨总供应量的30%以上,而供应中东包括埃及、约旦和阿联酋在内的新兴买家的份额不断增加。 一名新加坡贸易商说,卡塔尔LNG供应的任何中断可能会对埃及的定价、贸易流量和能源安全产生显著影响。 埃及去年60%以上的LNG进口量——726万吨总进口量中的461万吨——来自卡塔尔或作为埃及天然气控股公司(Egas)和贸易商或投资组合卖家之间达成的供应合同的一部分交付。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: LNG traders evaluate impact of Saudi-led diplomatic blockade of Qatar LNG traders are bracing for potential trade disruptions following moves from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the UAE to cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, the world’s largest LNG supplier.
Saudi Arabia’s decision Monday to break diplomatic ties, consular relations as well as land, air and sea contacts with Qatar over terrorism and extremism funding claims were followed by similar moves from Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt, according to media reports.
Qatar is the world’s largest LNG supplier, having exported 78.8 million mt of LNG in 2016, more than 30% of global supply of 257.8 million mt, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics, and an increasing share of its production has been delivered to emerging Middle Eastern buyers including Egypt, Jordan and the UAE.
Any disruptions in Qatari LNG supply could have a significant impact on pricing, trade flows and energy security in Egypt, which imports most of its LNG from Qatar, a Singapore-based trader said.
More than 60% of Egypt’s LNG imports in 2016 — 4.61 million mt of a total 7.26 million mt — were sourced from Qatar and delivered as part of supply contracts between Egyptian Natural Gas Holding, or Egas, and traders or portfolio sellers.  
