

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站6月2日伦敦报道,根据英国石油公司(BP)麾下的特立尼达和多巴哥分公司(BPTT)的一份公司声明,BPTT日前正在特多海上的Savannah和Macadamia勘探井内获得了两个重要的天然气发现。 BPTT在其网站上说,这两口勘探井地下发现了大约2万亿立方英尺的天然气储量,这将巩固这些地区的新的开发。 Savannah勘探井在两个主要层段钻遇了产层有效厚度大约650英尺的含油气层。基于Savannah井的成功,BPTT预计将通过未来与将在今年年中投产的Juniper平台连接来开发这些含油气层。 Macadamia勘探井在7个层段中钻遇了产层有效厚度大约600英尺的含油气层。Macadamia发现预计在2020年以后的时间里将支持一个新的平台。 李峻 编译自 RZNews.com 原文如下: BPTT Makes 2 ‘Significant’ Gas Discoveries Offshore Trinidad BP Trinidad & Tobago (bpTT) has made two ‘significant’ gas discoveries with the Savannah and Macadamia exploration wells, offshore Trinidad, according to a company statement. The results of these wells have unlocked approximately 2 trillion cubic feet of gas in place ‘to underpin new developments in these areas,’ bpTT stated on its website. The Savannah exploration well penetrated hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in two main intervals with approximately 650 feet of net pay. Based on the success of the Savannah well, bpTT expects to develop these reservoirs via future tieback to the Juniper platform that is due to come online mid-2017. The Macadamia well penetrated hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in seven intervals with approximately 600 feet net pay. The Macadamia discovery is expected to support a new platform within the post-2020 timeframe.
