

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站5月31日休斯敦报道,根据周四公布的美国联邦统计数据,美国3月份的汽油需求连续第三个月同比下降,因此,美国今年的汽油需求很有可能自2012年以来出现首次同比下降。 根据美国能源信息署的石油供应月度报告,美国3月份汽油需求小幅下降被强劲的馏分油需求所抵消,这帮助把3月份总石油需求同比推高了2.1%。 美国能源信息署的统计数据显示,美国3月份汽油需求同比下降了0.5%至935.3万桶/天。美国2月份和1月份汽油需求同比分别下降了2.4%和1.9%。 美国炼油企业和分析人士把美国年初汽油需求疲软的主要原因归咎于恶劣天气以及特朗普总统的移民政策。他们仍预计美国的汽油需求将从去年创纪录水平小幅增加。 占全球消费总量10%的美国汽油需求自2012年以来每年都在增长。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: US Gasoline Demand Falls for Third Consecutive Month U.S. gasoline demand fell year-over-year for the third consecutive month in March, according to federal data released Thursday, putting the country on track for its first year-over-year decline since 2012. The modest drop in U.S. gasoline demand was offset by strong demand for distillates, helping push total oil demand up by 2.1 percent in March versus last year, according to EIA’s Petroleum Supply Monthly report. U.S. gasoline demand fell by 0.5 percent to 9.353 million barrels per day in March versus last year, EIA data shows. Demand fell by 1.9 percent in January and 2.4 percent in February. U.S. refiners and analysts have blamed poor weather and even U.S. President Donald Trump’s immigration policy for the weak demand early this year. They still expect gasoline demand will rise modestly from last year’s record levels. U.S. gasoline demand, which accounts for 10 percent of global consumption, has risen each year since 2012.
