中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月25日消息,沙特能源部长法利赫表示,欧佩克准备将去年11月份达成的减产协议延长九个月,但是该组织将在11月底或12月初召开的下一次会议上决定明年一季度及之后该怎么做。法利赫在欧佩克会议前表示,从当前的情况来看,加大减产量没有必要。法利赫指出:“当前的计划是保持稳定,通过未来九个月的时间进行监测,然后再决定下一步的行动。” 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Deeper Oil Output Cuts Not Necessary Now, Says Saudi Minister OPEC is set to roll over its oil production cuts “at the same levels for a nine-months period,” Saudi energy minister Khalid al-Falih says, but the organization will decide at its next meeting in late November or early December “what to do in the first quarter and beyond. “Deeper cuts were not necessary right now, he says just before OPEC ministers meeting. “The plan now is to stay steady and go through the nine months and monitor,” Falih says.