

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯澳大利亚墨尔本5月19日消息,雪佛龙公司将就与澳大利亚税务部门的一桩涉及约2.5亿美元税款的争端再次提起上诉,将该案诉至高等法院。 上个月,这家美国能源公司在澳大利亚联邦法院的一次上诉中失利,法院支持较早前做出的裁决,认定雪佛龙在一家关联公司发放给其澳大利亚子公司的一笔贷款中拖欠约3.4亿澳元(合2.522亿美元)税款、利息和罚金。 雪佛龙周五表示,该公司选择寻求特别许可,就与税务机构的这项争端向高等法院提出上诉。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Chevron to Appeal Australia Tax Ruling MELBOURNE, Australia–Chevron Corp. (CVX) will launch a fresh appeal in a roughly $250 million tax dispute tax dispute with Australia’s tax office, taking its case to the High Court. Last month, the U.S. energy company lost an appeal in Australia’s federal court, which upheld an earlier judgement it owed about 340 million Australian dollars (US$252.2 million) in taxes, interest and penalties on a loan to its Australian arm from a related company. Chevron on Friday said it had elected to seek special leave to appeal to the High Court on the financing dispute with the tax office.
