中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站5月17日拉各斯报道,尼日利亚石油工会秘书长周二表示,为了抗议埃克森美孚公司解雇尼日利亚石油工人,来自一个石油工会的尼日利亚工人日前把他们的罢工扩大到了石油巨头雪佛龙公司、壳牌公司和意大利埃尼公司麾下的子公司阿吉普公司。 为了抗议外国石油公司解雇尼日利亚石油工人,尼日利亚石油工会在过去的几个月里举行了多次罢工。尼日利亚石油和天然气高级职员协会(PENGASSAN)的成员在上周开始在埃克森美孚公司举行罢工。 PENGASSAN秘书长卢蒙巴说,协会的1万名成员参加了周一开始的为期3天的全国罢工。罢工是为了抗议埃克森美孚公司去年12月解雇150名尼日利亚工人,其中82人是PENGASSAN的成员。 卢蒙巴说,工会的代表将会晤埃克森美孚公司的管理层进行谈判。尽管去年年底埃克森美孚公司在尼日利亚的石油工人的罢工没有影响产量,但导致石油外运推迟了数周. 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Nigerian Strike Spreads to Chevron, Agip and Shell Nigerian workers from an oil labour union have extended a strike to oil majors Chevron (CVX) , Shell and Eni subsidiary Agip in protest over the sacking of members from Exxon Mobil Corp , the union’s general secretary said on Tuesday.
Nigerian labour unions have held a number of strikes in the last few months in protest at the sacking of workers by oil companies. Members of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) began a strike at Exxon Mobil last week. PENGASSAN General Secretary Lumumba Okugbara said the union’s 10,000 members were taking part in the three-day nationwide strike which began on Monday. The strikes are in protest at the sacking of 150 workers in December, of which 82 were PENGASSAN members. Okugbara said union representatives would meet Exxon Mobil management for talks. Strikes by Exxon workers in Nigeria at the end of last year did impact output, leading to weeks-long loading delays.