作者 | Joe Carroll
编译 | 宁采臣 卡夫卡
Wood Mackenzie Ltd估测,新开支将使今年美国原油产量增加80万桶,约相当于沙特和俄罗斯领导的削减产量计划的44%。
Wood Mackenzie研究分析师Roy Martin在一次电视采访里表示:“美国页岩油气供应前景是真实的,其资本预算增加的幅度超出了我们的预期”。
迄今为止,EOG Resources和Pioneer Natural Resources等美国独立勘探商仍坚持他们雄心勃勃的增长计划。EOG首席执行官Bill Thomas在一次会议上向投资者和分析师介绍说,在第一季度的价格水平下,二叠纪盆地的部分钻井项目取得了70%的回报率。
根据Barclays分析师J. David Anderson表示,包括EOG和Pioneer在内的北美页岩钻井商今年的预算总额由2016年的350亿美元上升到530亿美元。EOG是美国第二大没有炼油厂的勘探企业,该公司计划将今年资本支出增加44%到37亿美元—41亿美元;Pioneer计划将资本支出提高33%到28亿美元。
最新消息称,俄罗斯能源部长Alexander Novak和沙特阿拉伯能源大臣Khalid Al-Falih在北京表示,支持将OPEC减产协议延长9个月,减产幅度维持不变,具体决定将在5月25日作出。此次延长减产协议能否顺利达成,协议能否使油价反弹至60美元/桶,从以往的情况来看,似乎不够乐观。
CHICAGO (Bloomberg) — U.S. shale explorers are boosting drilling budgets 10 times faster than the rest of the world to harvest fields that register fat profits even with the recent drop in oil prices.
Flush with cash from a short-lived OPEC-led crude rally, North American drillers plan to lift their 2017 outlays by 32% to $84 billion, compared with just 3% for international projects, according to analysts at Barclays Plc. Much of the increase in spending is flowing into the Permian basin, a sprawling, mile-thick accumulation of crude beneath Texas and New Mexico, where producers have been reaping double-digit returns even with oil commanding less than half what it did in 2014.
That’s bad news for OPEC and its partners in a global campaign to crimp supplies and elevate prices. Wood Mackenzie Ltd. estimates that new spending will add 800,000 bbl of North American crude this year, equivalent to 44% of the reductions announced by the Saudi- and Russia-led group.
“The specter of American supply is real,” Roy Martin, a Wood Mackenzie research analyst in Houston, said in a telephone interview. “The level of capital budget increases really surprised us.”
Drilling budgets around the world collapsed in 2016 as the worst crude market collapse in a generation erased cash flows, forcing explorers to cancel expansion projects, cut jobs and sell oil and natural gas fields to raise cash. The pain also swept across the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which in November relented by agreeing with several non-OPEC nations to curb output by 1.8 MMbpd.
Oil prices that initially popped above $55 in the weeks after the cut was announced have since dipped to around $46, reflecting pessimism that the OPEC-led deal can withstand the onslaught of U.S. shale.
So far, independent American explorers such as EOG Resources Inc. and Pioneer Natural Resources Co. are holding fast to their ambitious growth plans. Some recently finished wells in the Permian region yielded 70% returns at first-quarter prices, EOG CEO Bill Thomas told investors and analysts during a conference call on Tuesday.
EOG, the second-largest U.S. explorer that doesn’t own refineries, plans to boost spending by 44% this year to between $3.7 billion and $4.1 billion.
Pioneer is eyeing a 33% increase to $2.8 billion. The sub-group that includes North American shale drillers like EOG and Pioneer is collectively targeting $53 billion in spending this year, up from $35 billion in 2016, according to the Barclays analysts led by J. David Anderson.
U.S. oil production is already swelling, even though output from the new wells being drilled won’t materialize above ground for months. The Energy Department’s statistics arm raised its full-year 2017 supply estimate to 9.31 MMbpd on Tuesday, a 1% increase from the April forecast.
Next year, U.S. fields will pump 9.96 MMbpd, 0.6% more than the department estimated last month.
To be sure, most of the biggest U.S. and European explorers — an elite caucus of five companies known as the supermajors — are pursuing a contrary path and cutting expenditures this year. As deepwater, oil-sands and other high cost, high risk investments soured during the slump, the supermajors were battered and had to regroup. But shale drillers, unburdened by such large-scale projects, have been better able to quickly respond to price changes.
Holding tight
Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Chevron Corp., Total SA and BP Plc are reducing or holding flat on 2017 spending. Only Exxon Mobil Corp., the largest member of the group, is pushing up its budget, planning to spend $22 billion this year compared to $19.3 billion last year.
West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark, lost 14% of its value since April 11 amid signals the global crude glut isn’t shrinking at the expected pace. The futures fell 1.3% to $45.82 at 1:15 p.m. on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The price hasn’t poked above the $50 mark since April 26.
Shale drillers can afford to be sanguine despite oil’s recent tumble because they’ve cushioned themselves with hedges, Martin said. Hedges are financial instruments that lock in prices for future output and shield producers from volatile market movements.
“There is some price malaise creeping in,” Martin said. “But the aristocracy of the U.S. independents have insulated themselves” through hedging.
- Linda
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