中国石化新闻网讯 据Offshore Energy Today网站5月5日伦敦报道,尽管本周初在韩国三星重工造船厂发生了一次致命的事故,荷兰皇家壳牌公司的澳大利亚Prelude浮式液化天然气(FLNG)设施仍将在2018年建成和投产。 这个巨型设施的建造早在2012年就已开始。Prelude FLNG一旦建成将部署在澳大利亚的海上并将使用来自海上的两个气田的天然气年产360万吨LNG。这两个海上气田分别是Prelude气田和Concerto气田,它们位于布鲁姆北北东大约475公里的海上。 壳牌公司首席财务官杰西卡·尤尔是在公司2017年第一季度业绩电话会议上回答有关这个项目进展情况时作上述表示的。 尤尔说,周一发生在韩国Geoje的三星重工造船厂的吊车倒塌造成的致命事故导致了6人丧生和20多人受伤。事故发生时,该造船厂正在建造道达尔公司的Martin Linge上部模块。造船厂的所有工作已经停止。“这次致命事故与壳牌的资产没有任何关系,”尤尔强调说。 在韩国造船厂完成所有工作以后,FLNG设施将拖往西澳大利亚州海上的作业地点。 李峻 编译自 Offshore Energy 原文如下: Prelude FLNG on schedule for 2018 start-up Shell’s Prelude FLNG, world’s largest offshore facility, is set for completion and startup in 2018, despite a fatal incident that happened at the Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard earlier this week.
The construction of the giant facility started back in 2012. Once completed, it will be deployed offshore Australia and will produce 3,6 million tons of LNG annually by using natural gas from the offshore Prelude and Concerto Gas Fields located approximately 475 km North-North East of Broome. During a conference call on the first quarter 2017 results, Shell’s CFO Jessica Uhl was asked about the progress of the construction of the Prelude FLNG. Uhl was referring to a fatal incident when six people were killed and over 20 injured on Monday after a crane collapsed at Samsung Heavy Industries’ shipyard in Geoje, South Korea, during a construction of Total’s Martin Linge topsides. All work at the shipyard was stopped During the call Shell CFO highlighted the incident had nothing to do with Shell’s assets. After the completion of all work at the shipyard in South Korea, the FLNG facility will be towed to its operating location offshore of Western Australia.