

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月4日卡尔加里报道,加拿大管道运输巨头横加公司(TransCanada Corp)4日表示,横加公司将以7.65亿美元的价格出售其在易洛魁天然气输送系统中剩余的49.3%股份以及在波特兰天然气输送系统中持有的11.8%股份。 横加公司说,该公司将向TC管线有限公司出售其在这两条管道中共持有的61.1%股份,后者在9条具有日输送91亿立方英尺天然气能力的管道中拥有投资。 横加公司说,这笔交易价值包括5.97亿美元的现金以及两条管道假设的1.68亿美元的债务。 易洛魁天然气管道根据长期合同输送天然气,这条管道从靠近纽约州的沃丁顿的横加主线系统一直延伸到美国东北部市场。波特兰天然气管道是一条州际管道,从新罕布什尔州的匹兹堡附近一直延伸到马萨诸塞州的德拉刻特附近。去年1月份,横加公司把这条管道的49.9%股份出售给了TC管线有限公司。 这笔交易预计将在今年年中完成。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: TransCanada to Sell Interests in Two Gas Pipelines for $765MM TransCanada Corp said on Thursday it would sell its remaining 49.3 percent interest in Iroquois Gas Transmission System LP and an 11.8 percent stake in Portland Natural Gas Transmission System (PNGTS) for $765 million. The Canadian pipeline operator said it would sell the stakes in the two gas pipelines to TC PipeLines LP that has investments in seven pipelines capable of moving 9.1 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas. The deal value comprises $597 million in cash and the assumption of $168 million in proportionate debt at Iroquois and PNGTS, Transcanada said. The Iroquois pipeline transports natural gas under long-term contracts and extends from the TransCanada Mainline system near Waddington, New York to markets in the U.S. northeast. PNGTS, an interstate natural gas pipeline, starts near Pittsburg, New Hampshire and ends near Dracut, Massachusetts. TransCanada sold a 49.9 percent stake in PNGTS to TC PipeLines in January last year. The deal is expected to close mid-year.
