中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月3日消息,《华尔街日报》对预测者的月度调查结果显示,如果欧佩克延长减产协议,那么到今年底布伦特原油期货价格将达到60美元/桶。据《华尔街日报》4月底对14家投行的调查结果显示,今年全年布伦特原油平均价格为57美元/桶,其中四季度为60美元/桶,与前一次的调查基本没有变化。投行们预计今年美国WTI原油平均价格为55美元/桶。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Investment Banks Still Anticipating Higher Oil Brent oil futures will reach $60/barrel by year’s end if OPEC extends its production deal, according to WSJ’s monthly poll of forecasters. The global benchmark is seen averaging $57 for all of this year, including $60 in 4Q, according to the 14 investment banks surveyed in late April–broadly unchanged from the previous survey. The banks expect US benchmark WTI to average $55 this year.