

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月4日消息,美国炼油商正在向市场大量供应汽油,加剧了油价的春季跌势。 根据美国能源情报署(EIA)的数据,美国炼油商的原油加工率达到至少34年来的最高水平。 一个原因是∶炼油商购买原油的成本与汽油售价之间价差最近达到近一年来最高点。这种状况鼓励炼油商4月的开工率创出2001年以来同期最高水平。 当前美国汽油库存正在上升,而通常情况下,这个季节美国汽油库存是出现下降的。据EIA周三发布的数据显示,上周美国汽油库存增加了19.1万桶。 这已经是美国汽油库存连续第三周出现增长,与美国石油学会先前的估计截然相反,美国石油学会此前估计上周美国汽油库存将下降190万桶。周四美国汽油期货价格大幅下跌3.4%,创下五个月的低点。 周四原油期货下跌4.8%至每桶45.52美元的五个月低点,分析师称,原油价格受到汽油供应充足的拖累。纽约原油期货今年以来已下跌15%。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Deepening Gasoline Glut Pushes Oil to a Five-Month Low U.S. refiners are flooding the market with gasoline, intensifying oil prices’ spring decline. Refiners are turning crude oil into gasoline and diesel at the highest rate in at least 34 years, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. One reason: The spread between what it costs refiners to buy crude and the price at which they can sell gasoline recently reached its highest point in nearly a year. That encouraged these companies to operate at a higher rate last month than during any April since 2001. Now, gasoline stockpiles are building during a season when inventories typically decline. Stockpiles added 191,000 barrels last week, according to EIA data released on Wednesday. That was the third straight week of increases and a sharp contrast with the American Petroleum Institute’s earlier estimate of a decline of 1.9 million barrels. Gasoline futures fell 3.4% to a five-month low on Thursday. On Thursday, crude oil dropped 4.8% to a five-month low at $45.52, dragged down by the ample gasoline supply, analysts say. New York crude is down 15% for the year.
