

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯卫星新闻社4月27日华盛顿报道,世界银行周三在一份报告中说,工业大宗商品的年度预测预计今年的平均油价为每桶55美元并在2018年增加到每桶60美元。 一篇解释世界银行这份报告的新闻稿说,得到欧佩克和非欧佩克产油国减产支持的不断上升的油价将允许石油市场逐渐重新平衡。 世界银行的报告还预测今年天然气价格将上涨15%并在2018年再上涨8%。 报告解释说,此外,今年非能源大宗商品——例如化肥、金属和矿产品——的价格预计在过去5年里将第一次上涨。 根据报告,由于需求尤其是来自中国的需求强劲以及由智利、印尼和秘鲁采矿中断导致的供应限制,金属价格今年预计将大幅上涨16%。 李峻 编译自 俄罗斯卫星新闻社 原文如下: World Bank Predicts $55 Per Barrel of Oil This Year An annual forecast for industrial commodities is predicting an average price of $55 for a barrel of oil in 2017, increasing to $60 the following year, the World Bank said in a report on Wednesday. “Rising oil prices, supported by production cutbacks by Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC states, will allow oil markets to gradually rebalance,” a press release explaining the report stated. The report also predicted a 15 percent rise in natural gas prices this year as well as a further 8 percent hike, according to the report. In addition, prices for non-energy commodities, such as fertilizers, metals and minerals are expected to increase for the first time in five years, the report explained. Metals prices are projected to jump 16 percent this year due to strong demand, especially from China, and supply constraints,including mine disruptions in Chile, Indonesia and Peru, according to the report.
