中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯3月8日消息,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的一名天然气交易员称,虽然中国正努力推进增加使用天然气作为发电燃料,但该国的LNG需求增速或将放缓,主要原因是缺乏终端和再气化工厂此类基础设施。他指出,管道天然气和LNG目前的价差不到2美元,仅能覆盖再气化的成本。
China’s LNG Demand Liable to Grow Slowly
Even though China is pushing hard to increase the use of natural gas for power generation, the country’s LNG demand will likely see slow growth due to lack of infrastructure like terminals and regasification plants, says a Gazprom gas trader. He notes the current price difference between pipeline gas and LNG is less than $2, which “barely covers the regasification cost.”