中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社3月6日休斯顿报道,得益于简化运营,技术改进并成本削减,挪威国家石油公司Statoil预计若原油价格维持在50美元/桶的水平,公司在美国的页岩油业务将在两年内实现盈利。
挪国油美国地区运营主管Torgrim Reitan在接受记者采访时表示,该公司盈亏平衡价格的降低主要是得益于内部改进,而与油服报价无关。
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Statoil sees U.S. shale profitable within two years at $50 oil
Mon Mar 6, 2017
HOUSTON, March 6 (Reuters) – Norwegian oil producer Statoil ASA expects its U.S. shale operations to be profitable within two years at crude prices of $50 per barrel, an improvement helped by simplifying operations, technological improvements and cost cuts.
Torgrim Reitan, Statoil’s head of United States operations, said in an interview that the company’s push for the lower break-even price is largely due to internal improvements that should stick regardless of any price hikes from service providers.
“Our business clearly makes sense in a $50 (per barrel) environment,” Reitan said Monday on the sidelines of the CERAWeek conference, the world’s largest gathering of energy executives. “It is remarkable to see how the whole industry has responded positively to the new price reality.”
Statoil, which produces shale oil and natural gas in North Dakota’s Bakken, the Eagle Ford of Texas and the Marcellus of Pennsylvania, moved its U.S. operational staff to Austin, Texas, last year, a step Reitan said has helped push down costs.