中国石化新闻网讯 据国外媒体3月5日奥斯陆报道,挪威石油安全管理局(PSAN)日前批准了西班牙雷普索尔公司麾下挪威分公司雷普索尔挪威公司在位于挪威海的一个命名为斯托尔达尔(Stordal)的远景构造上钻取一口勘探井6705/7-1井。
雷普索尔挪威公司是挪威第705号生产许可证的作业者。此勘探井的位置在挪威海的深水区,水深4625英尺,距离Bodo Water大约245英里。
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PSA Grants Repsol Consent to Drill Stordal Prospect
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Petroleum Safety Authority Norway has granted Repsol Norge AS consent to drill exploration well 6705/7-1 in a prospect named Stordal, located in the Norwegian Sea.
Drilling is scheduled to start in early March and will last 33 days, or 48 days if a discovery is made. The well will be drilled by the Transocean Spitsbergen (UDW semisub), which is owned and operated by Transocean Offshore Ltd.
Repsol Norge AS is the operator for production license 705. The drilling site is in the deep-water section of the Norwegian Sea, around 245 miles of Bodø. Water depth at the site is 4,625 feet.