

中国石化新闻网讯 据AzerNews网站3月4日伦敦报道,由于希腊政府不久将宣布一次新的有关本国天然气管网运营商DESFA私有化的招标,荷兰天然气基础设施和运输公司Gasunie日前表示了有兴趣获得这家希腊公司的32%股份。
早在2013年,阿塞拜疆国家石油公司以4亿欧元赢得了收购DESFA 66%股份的招标。
李峻 编译
Dutch firm plans to purchase 32% of DESFA shares
AzerNews.com/Saturday March 4 2017/London
Gasunie, a Dutch natural gas infrastructure and transportation company, has expressed interest in obtaining a 32-percent stake in Greek DESFA natural gas grid operator, as a new tender will be announced on privatization of DESFA soon.
Greek media reported that the Dutch firm plans to acquire the management of the natural gas grid operator.
Belgian Fluxys and Romanian Transgas also remain interested in acquiring a share in DESFA, while the participation of Italian Snam company in the new tender is not excluded either.
Back in 2013, Azerbaijan’s state oil company SOCAR won a tender on the purchase of a 66-percent stake in DESFA for 400 million euros.
Greek Εnergy and Environment Minister Giorgos Stathakis earlier told Trend that the government opted for a clean start and will launch very soon a new tender process that will abide by the EU requirements and set qualitative standards, such as investment plans and job creation, for the prospective buyers.
