中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月21日消息,根据一名参加国际石油周的中国资深石油高管称,中国未来可能成为美国石油和天然气的最大客户,从而解决特朗普政府面临的一个主要问题,即两国之间越来越大的贸易逆差。这位高管告诉与会代表,这将成为中美两国进行合作的符合逻辑的行动。美国石油和天然气产量正在不断上升,但目前尚未达到能够大量出口的阶段。但该官员补充称,他相信这一现状会在未来10年发生改变,随着美国石油和天然气越来越多地进入中国,中美之间的贸易关系会更平衡。
US Oil Could Narrow China Trade Gap
China could become the U.S.’s largest customer for oil and gas in the future and solve one of Donald Trump’s major problems, the growing trade gap between the two countries according to a senior Chinese oil executive speaking at the International Petroleum Week. The official told delegates that it would be the logical move for the two countries to cooperate. U.S. oil and gas production is growing, but it is still not at the stage where large-scale exports are possible. However, he added that he was convinced this would change in the next 10 years and the increased flow of U.S. oil and gas in China’s direction would bring trading relations to a more equal footing.