中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月15日消息,美银美林表示,美国页岩钻井商们或将占据2022年前来自于非欧佩克新增石油供应总量的84%。多数分析师预计油价的上涨而且在去年油价下跌期间油气行业投资大幅削减的情况下,将给美国页岩钻井商们提供较大的机会,因为美国页岩公司最为灵活,可以非常快的提高产量。美银美林全球研究公司估计2016年第四季度至2017年第四季度期间美国页岩油产量将增加60万桶/天。该行称,2022年前美国页岩油产量将增加350万桶/天,或未来五年年均增加70万桶/天。
The Big Return of US Shale
US shale drillers will likely account for 84% of new oil supply coming from outside of OPEC through 2022, says Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Many expect rising oil prices but investment cuts that happened during last year’s downturn will leave these US drillers as the companies that can most quickly raise output. BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research estimates put growth at 600K barrels a day between 4Q16 and 4Q17. By 2022, US shale output will rise by 3.5M barrels a day or 700K barrels a day annually over the next five years, the bank says.