中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2月10日伦敦报道,英国能源大臣杰西•诺曼和挪威能源大臣Terje Soviknes周五(10日)表示,鉴于英国旨在逐步淘汰燃煤发电的举措,英国在未来将更依赖于从挪威进口天然气。
李峻 编译
UK to rely more on Norwegian natural gas in future on coal phase-out: ministers
London (Platts)–10 Feb 2017
The UK will be more dependent on Norwegian gas imports in the future given the UK’s move to phase out coal-fired power generation, the ministers of the two countries said Friday.
In a joint statement following a meeting in Oslo, the UK energy minister Jesse Norman and his Norwegian counterpart Terje Soviknes stressed the close relationship between the two countries in the energy sphere.
“British interest in Norwegian gas is set to grow as the UK looks to phase out power generation from unabated coal in the transition to a lower carbon energy mix,” they said.