中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月9日消息,根据私人数据显示,美国俄克拉荷马州库欣商业原油基地的原油库存大幅攀升。据看到报告的知情人士表示,Genscape表示,本周二库欣原油库存达到6720万桶,比上周二增加了120万桶。库欣原油库存的大幅增加部分或许是由于1月30日至2月5日期间一条从库欣至休斯敦地区炼油厂的40万桶/天的输油管线意外关闭。Genscape的报告显示库欣原油库存已经接近于历史高点,并再次令该商业原油存储基地的原油库存与7700万桶的最大存储量之间的差距缩小至1000万桶之内。
Cushing Oil Storage Nears Record-High
Storage of crude oil at the commercial hub in Cushing, Okla surges higher, according to private data. Genscape says inventories in Cushing on Tuesday were 67.2M bbls, up 1.2M from the previous Tuesday, according to a person who saw the report. The jump may partly be due to an unexpected closure from Jan 30 to Feb 5 of a key pipeline that pumps 400k bpd of crude oil from Cushing to Houston-area refineries. Still, the Genscape report puts total storage at Cushing near an all-time high, and once again within 10M bbls of the tank farm’s 77M-bbl working capacity.