

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社2月6日开罗报道,由于埃及准备在两个气田开始天然气生产并在2019年前接近其自给自足和甚至出口的目标。埃及计划今年只进口108船LNG货物。
李峻 编译
Egypt Said to Seek LNG as BP to Eni Gas Flow to Restore Exports
Monday, February 06, 2017
Egypt plans to import as many as 108 cargoes of liquefied natural gas this year as the country prepares to start producing at two gas fields and move closer to its goal of self-sufficiency and even exports by 2019.
The North African nation will import 100 to 108 LNG shipments this year, including 43 to 45 cargoes in government-to-government contracts from Oman, Russia’s Rosneft PJSC and France’s Engie SA, according to a person familiar with the matter. The remaining imports will be arranged through a tender to be announced in November, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the information isn’t public.
Imports may be reduced in 2018 as BP Plc’s North Alexandria concession works to start gas production in April and Eni SpA’s giant Zohr field plans to produce by the end of the year, the person said. BP bought a 10 percent stake in Zohr from Eni last year.
Egypt was a net exporter of LNG until 2014, when declining output and power shortages resulting from political upheaval forced the country to turn the most populous Arab nation into a net importer. Zohr, which Eni discovered last year, has an estimated reserve of about 850 billion cubic meters of natural gas in place. The government expects the deposit to help ease Egypt’s energy shortage and allow it to resume exports.
