来自/Upstream 11月7日消息 编译/尉晶
The company recently signed an amendment to the proposed restructuring support agreement, which has support from 85.4% of certain noteholders. Submission is envisaged by 9 December but there was no guarantee a final agreement would be reached, Stone said. On 4 November the company said it had struck a deal with debtholders on an amendment to its proposed reorganisation plan, an addendum that among other things would offer the noteholders the right to call off the deal if cure amounts exceed an “acceptable” level. Stone said that as of 20 October it had approval of 85.4% of certain noteholders for a restructuring deal that would allot them a 95% stake in the reorganised Stone, and some $225 million of new 7.5% second lien notes due in 2022.The creditors would also get $150 million in net cash proceeds from the sale of Stone properties sold off in Appalachia. Stone also said it was continuing to work with US oil regulators with respect to its obligations for plugging and abandonment in the US Gulf of Mexico.
- 尉 晶
- 本科毕业于西安石油大学地质学专业,现就读于中国石油大学(北京)地质工程专业。对于油气行业发展动态、实时资讯有着全面的了解,致力于将最专业、最地道的业内发展近况传播给每位读者。