根据Oasis Petroleum收益报表,公司第三季度因石油价格走低、产量下降而亏损。报表指出公司亏损3390万没有,每股下跌0.19美分,去年同期公司盈利2710万美元,每股上涨0.20美分。收入为1.773亿美元,同比下降10%,接近2000万美元。去年同期收入为1.972亿美元。Oasis Petroleum总部位于休斯顿,目前在North Dakota的Bakken页岩层钻探石油与天然气。
来自/Fuelfix 11月7日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Falling oil prices and lower production pushed Oasis Petroleum into the red for the third quarter, according to the company’s earnings report released Monday evening.Oasis reported a loss of $33.9 million, or 0.19 cents per share, as compared to a $27.1 million gain, or 0.20 cents per share, for the same period last year. Revenues were also down 10 percent, or nearly $20 million, to $177.3 million from $197.2 million as compared to last year.Houston-based Oasis drills for oil and gas in the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。