英国石油巨头壳牌(Shell)在发布会上证实,由Noble所有的钻井船将在Mafia Deep盆地的1和4区块进行钻井活动,而这个盆地也是Shell最近从英国天然气公司那里收购的。Shell与其合作商Ophir能源和Pavilion能源将在两个区块分别打一口井,目的在于开采2.5万亿立方英尺天然气来推动坦桑尼亚16万亿立方英尺LNG项目,这两口井井深约为2300m。Shell计划在坦桑尼亚共打五口井,其合作商共投资8000万美元。
来自/Upstream 11月3日消息 编译/尉晶
The Anglo-Dutch supermajor confirmed in a release the Noble-owned drillship has been contracted for the campaign that is targeting additional gas in blocks 1 and 4 in the Mafia Deep basin where Shell has taken over operatorship following its recent acquisition of former operator BG Group. Shell, together with co-venturers Ophir Energy and Pavilion Energy, will drill one well in each of the blocks targeting about 2.5 trillion cubic feet of prospective resources to boost the existing 16 Tcf resource base to support the planned Tanzania LNG project. The wells will be drilled in a water depth of around 2300 metres.The partners are investing a total of $80 million in the drilling effort, though Shell is reported to be looking to drill up to five wells of Tanzania.
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- 尉 晶
- 本科毕业于西安石油大学地质学专业,现就读于中国石油大学(北京)地质工程专业。对于油气行业发展动态、实时资讯有着全面的了解,致力于将最专业、最地道的业内发展近况传播给每位读者。