11月1日,英国石油公司(BP)2016年第三季度净利润为16.2亿美元,比去年增加4600万美元。第三季度重置成本利润为9.33亿美元,相当于去年同期18.2亿美元的一半。公司收入继续受2010年的“深水地平线”事故相关支出影响,支出包括第三季度税前费用1.89亿美元、2016年1月至9月的63.4亿美元。6月,BP指出自2010年4月事件发生后,已付税前费用累积达618亿美元。11月1日,BP已支付417亿美元。11月1日,财务总监Brian Gilvary向分析人士表示:2016年至2017年公司支出颇多,但今后大约将稳定在10亿美元/年。2016年第三季度,BP全球石油产量为211万桶油当量/天,相比去年同期224万桶油当量/天下降6%。
来自/Natural Gas World 11月1日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
BP reported a 3Q 2016 net profit of $1.62bn, up from $46mn a year ago, it reported November 1, but 3Q replacement cost (RC) profit was $933mn, half its year-ago level of $1.82bn. Earnings continued to be impacted by payments relating to the US 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster: these included a pre-tax charge of $189mn in 3Q and $6.34bn in January to September 2016. BP had already said in July that the cumulative pre-tax charge since the April 2010 event is $61.8bn. On November 1 BP said that $41.7bn of that had been paid out.CFO Brian Gilvary told analysts November 1 that payments would be “lumpy” in 2016-17 but would level out at about $1bn/yr further out.BP’s global production was 2.11mn barrels of oil equivalent/day in 3Q 2016, down 6% from 2.24mn boe/d in 3Q 2015.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。