雪佛龙位于美国墨西哥湾Keathley Canyon的勘探区,在报道Gibson野猫井有油气发现之后,进一步证实勘探取得新进展,这口井由Pacific Santa Ana钻井船打在Keathley Canyon 96区块水下4838英尺处。该井井深共有31782英尺,Gibson一直被认为是Tigris勘探开发的潜力区/突破口,而Gibson也是雪佛龙继2009年Tiber和2013年Gila油气发现后,在2015年从英国石油公司(BP)接手的项目。
来自/Upstream 10月21日消息 编译/尉晶
Chevron’s Tigris development in the Keathley Canyon area of the US Gulf of Mexico appears to have gained a fresh boost this summer after the supermajor reported to regulators that its Gibson wildcat was a discovery, writes Kathrine Schmidt.The well was drilled in Keathley Canyon Block 96 by the drillship Pacific Santa Ana in 4838 feet of water.The well was permitted to a depth of 31,782 feet. Gibson had been seen as a potential make or break probe for the Tigris development, which was initiated in January 2015 when Chevron agreed a deal to take over operatorship from BP of its 2009 Tiber and 2013 Gila discoveries.
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- 尉 晶
- 本科毕业于西安石油大学地质学专业,现就读于中国石油大学(北京)地质工程专业。对于油气行业发展动态、实时资讯有着全面的了解,致力于将最专业、最地道的业内发展近况传播给每位读者。